Moving from linear economy to circular economy also means transforming how we are doing business at KETS. To deliver our brand’s promise to improve life for all our stakeholders we are always on the lookout for ways of increasing the sustainability of our operations and our products so that we can help preserve our natural life and resources for future generations. We strongly believe that transforming our operations in a way that fits to circular economy will also strengthen our brand’s competitiveness in a future with finite resources . KETS strives to develop new ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials in our everyday production.
A Global problem can only be tackled by setting and following global goals. Among with European Green Deal, we get our inspiration from the 17 points mentioned in the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development program. This is a holistic approach centered around being responsible to the people and the world we live in. We encourage ourselves to fight not only with the environmental issues but also poverty, inequality, and hunger that are actually all linked together. For this reason, we align and also underline our achievements and our goals with reference from one or a few of these 17 points.
Our brand new factory, one of the biggest production sites fabric worldwide is painted in green color and this is not just to blend in with the lush green hills we are facing. Green represents our philosophy for sustainable production which is embraced by our employees and stakeholders. It shows our awareness of climate change and our willingness to reduce its environmental impacts.
Sustainability is not a short-track race but a marathon relay. We ensure the ecological aspects of our fabrics with the help of eco certificates such as OEKO-TEX.
OEKO-TEX certificate is a well-recognized guarantee showing no harmful finishes or chemicals used in production stages and that our fabrics are completely safe for daily use.
Our sustainable fabrics are also certified with Global Recycled Standard (GRS) which requires constant auditing of the recycled materials and the methods they’re supplied, stored, produced, and shipped. When we ship our recycled goods, a GRS transaction certificate for each shipment is granted making sure the green cycle continues even after our fabrics leave the factory.
All these eco-standards are commitments that our sustainable approach goes beyond words and is put in reality by constant and transparent checks by the most reputable bodies.
Kets Mattreess Ticking Sustainability
Like a good chef has own favorite ingredients in the kitchen, our designers also opt for sustainable RPET yarns while creating new fabrics.
With this approach, we are willing to reach our goal of presenting 50% of our new fabric offer with recycled raw materials by 2025.
Our thirst for water is such a principal condition, the question of what happens with the plastic bottles afterwards is often negligible. The overconsumption of plastics ruining our lands and oceans can be the theme of an apocalyptic horror movie. Yet we have a chance to recycle plastic bottles and reuse them as yarns that are woven and turned into nice fabrics from Kets.